Friday, October 31, 2008

دعوة نبنى رمز لمصر


أغمض عينك و ايدك على الماوس ثم انزل تحت

الان فى عصرنا 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

رمز لمصر

الموقع : المدخل الجنوبى لقناة السويس _ مدينة السويس

التاريخ : اللقطة الاولى اتخذت فى فترة الستينات اما اللقطة الثانية ففى عام2008

الوصف : بانوراما لمدخل قناة السويس مثلها مثل بانوراما تمثال الحرية بنيويورك و للمصادفة كان تمثال الحرية معد لوضعه فى هذا المكان

يوجد نحو 40 عام فاصل بين المشهدين و سبب تحول تلك البانوراما التى يطلع عليها كل عابر لقناة السويس هو تدمير اسرائيل له خلال الفترة من 1967 حتى يوم النصر 1973 حيث كانت راكدة على بعد امتار منه على البر الاخر
لتمنى اعادة بناء تلك البانوراما و اظهار هذا الموقع بما يتناسب مع مكانته

Friday, May 9, 2008

Prophet Mohamed 'peace be upon him'

I Was deeply shocked seeing The newspapers offending more than 1 billion Muslims from all over the world by publishing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed seen as a terrorist carrying bomb on his head which means that our Prophet is a terrorist. Consequently, this means that all the Muslims all over the world are also terrorists, which is not true and this made the Muslims face a lot of hatred and danger. This is not only offending Muslims, but it is also offending the whole world as well. This is because the prophets of God are messengers of peace that came to spread good will to all humans and they include as: Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus, Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham.. etc. Other than this, I would like you to know that In Islam, drawing any pictures of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and other Prophets is completely prohibited. Publishing these images has totally nothing to do with the freedom of expression but it has to do with respecting the others` religions.
I am still expecting You to react positively by banning these cartoons And I am asking all newspapers or websites to publish an apology to all Muslims Around the world for publishing such offensive drawings.

Did You know Islam?

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This web site is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.